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YourTerm ENVI

Environment & Conservation 

YourTerm ENVI is a terminology project aiming at creating multilingual glossaries in the field of environment and conservation, and at promoting the harmonisation of environmental terminologies.

Conservation of the global environment is one of the major issues at stake to define the future of contemporary societies: committing to a more sustainable and fair development is surely the key for the protection of all ecosystems.

The following sub-projects collect and classify relevant terminology in the macro-field of environment:

Climate Change

One of the most topical issues of current times, climate change includes terminology from a variety of disciplines and research fields, from science and biology to communication, health, and social studies.

Natural Parks

Natural Parks are one of the most valuable means for the protection of natural ecosystems. This sub-project includes terminology about inland reserves and protected terrestrial areas, with relevant terminology in the domain of conservation.

Nature and Biodiversity

All natural environments are incredibly rich in biodiversity. In this sub-project, terms about natural environments, biodiversity and its forms are collected.

Oceans and Seas Conservation

Conservation of the marine environment is pivotal to the future of our planet. This sub-project collects multilingual terminology on global oceans and seas from several domains, such as science, chemistry, biology, but also international law and policy-making. 

Green Finance

Green finance is a broad term that can refer to financial investments flowing into sustainable development projects and initiatives, environmental products, and policies that encourage the development of a more sustainable economy.


Zoology is the branch of biology devoted to the study of animal life.  It covers areas ranging from the structure of organisms to the subcellular unit of life.

Agricultural Sector

In contrast to the previous sub-project the following terms directly deal with the hazards and diseases present in this sector. The structure and phonetics of these terms presented some challenges during the research process that aimed at identifying the target term in Maltese, where possible. However, such challenges served as an inspiration to dig deeper during the research process to uncover various theories and methods in order to find the most suitable target term.


Find and use the relevant terminology resources.


Consult the concepts and terms of the ongoing project and connect with the partners in the project.





#MondayReading: Climate Change Key Terms in 23 Languages

For this week, we decided to dedicate our #MondayReading category to climate change. From the moment though that terminology is our passion, what could be better than a reading related to climate change valuable terms? Thus, we present you the brochure produced by the General Secretariat of the Council in 2011 entitled Climate Change Key Terms in 23 Languages.

Using the right terminology to help save the planet

We bring to you this refreshed post originally published on the 25th of January, 2016 after the recent events affecting the Paris Agreement. In this post you will find an interesting reflection on the role that terminology plays in the construction of social dialogue and in the success of global conversations, and also a useful glossary in relation to the issues covered by the Paris Agreement. We hope you find it interesting!


KAD 04M001
Place de l’Europe
L-2929 Luxembourg

Email: dgtrad.yourterm@ep.europa.eu

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