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Get to Terms with Culture, the Soul of Europe

Culture is one of the most important fields where multilingual communication meets the need of clear message to a very diverse audience.
This is why the Terminology Coordination Unit of the European Parliament included a project on cultural terminology in its new program Terminology without Borders.

The project on culture has four sub-projects:

European Capitals of Culture and Cultural Events

It is one of the most successful projects of the EU with various fields of activity topics that mobilize many people. The number of cultural and artistic projects drafted by the hundreds of cities bidding or participating since 1985 is huge and offers an ideal corpus for the extraction of terminology related to culture.
This project can be a helpful complementary tool to enable people coming from different countries understand each other.

Museums and Cultural Institutions

Terminology is extracted from corpora made with the texts that museums in any field of art or other activity publish on the web. This project can be useful for the multilingual digitalisation efforts of the museums, thanks also to a layer of plain terminology permitting communication with the visitors in clear language (e.g. through the audio guides)

The European Parliament has translated in all languages the material for The House of European History and created a Unit in the Directorate General of Translation dedicated to this permanent task, which will be one of our main partners in this project.

House of European History 

The texts translated by the Translation services of the European Parliament for the House of European History and the Parlamentarium  form a unique corpus to create a cultural glossary in all EU official languages, since they have been translated in all of them. TermCoord has been creating a corpus of this texts and performing term extraction.


The archaeological vocabulary consists of specialised terms, sometimes represented by borrowings from ancient languages such as Latin and Greek, but also common words. Although some scientific communities felt the need to structure their knowledge in thesauri or ontologies, the scenario is still very fragmented. There is, therefore, the need to establish a terminological common core shared across languages which might represent the basis for improving scientific cooperation and advances in this field.


The notion of culture is widely used in the sociological, anthropological and historical study of sport. We inhabit a world in which sport is an international phenomenon and part of the social and cultural fabric of different localities, regions, and nations. It is therefore impossible to fully understand contemporary society and culture without acknowledging the place of sport. This multilingual glossary encompasses a broad range of sports and is aimed at encouraging European citizens to consider the meanings, symbols, rituals and power relations at play within any particular sport culture.



Music is a central discipline and branch of Culture and it is part of people’s lives in a constant and unconscious way. It is a very dynamic, ever-changing topic, as there are more and more singers and new genres, which is why its terminology is constantly expanding and developing. Musical traditions in different cultures are of great variety and lots are the interesting linguistic phenomena concerning this field. This multilingual glossary concerns music and musical instruments.



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Natural science museums

As part of the Term Coord new series of projects, your Term CULT features several linguistic resources for users of culture terminology. It comprises three sections addressing different needs of the reality of culture. 

Video Fix: My year reading a book from every country in the world

Nowadays, discussions about multiculturalism are at a crucial stage and the concept is spread throughout different spheres of our lives: science, society, education and politics.

To which language and culture do I belong?

Do you speak several languages, and are you familiar with several cultures? Did you even grew up with two or more different languages and cultures? If you did, then you might have asked yourself the following question: To which language and culture do I belong?

IATE term of the week: Culture Action Europe

On 15th April we celebrated the International Day of Art, in honour of the birth of Leonardo da Vinci. If the painter is known worldwide for his famous Mona Lisa, this artist was probably one of the greatest lovers of art and culture of his time. 

What is the relationship between language and culture?

Before answering this complex and difficult question, I need to define first these two notions. I will maintain Byram’s (2008) version for culture defined as “shared beliefs, values and behaviors of a social group”, where social group can be a family at a micro level and a nation at a macro level.

How can we translate culture?

For my final paper at the University of Luxembourg I chose to focus on the field of terminology and translation, specifically on culture related terms found in documents published by European Union institutions. I compared the translations of selected culture-specific terms in five languages: English, German, French, Slovak and Czech.

IATE Term of the Week: European Capital of Culture

The European Capital of Culture is a year-long event that celebrates diversity and culture in Europe and aims to help people discover the richness of the continent. They started in 1985 as a result of an initiative by the then Greek Minister of Culture Melina Mercouri.


Music Fix: The potential of conceptual codification in music. Part I.

Semiotic systems are fascinating because of their sheer complexity. They surround us almost every second of our life and more often than not we are so used to them that we don’t see them anymore. Sometimes, however, it is nice to press the pause button and think about all the ways we, and all the other humans, are desperately understanding or trying to do so.


Language in Art

Last Friday, 15th of April, was the World Art Day. This celebration has been much discussed by media, as it is difficult to think that there is somebody who is not, either as an observer or a creator, interested in any kind of art. Some prefer to wander around the corridors of a museum while others are keen on reading books. Some listen to music, watch a film or follow a cooking recipe.


Interviews with European Culture Personalities

ISIT students Eva Gozlan, Noémie Lefèvre and Antinéa Lombard, in collaboration with TermCoord, have interviewed personalities from France, Spain, Germany and Italy about their cultural work and contributions. The cultural interview project of Eva, Noémie and Antinéa (Master 2 – Intercultural Communication and Translation students at ISIT, the Institute of Intercultural Management and Communication) aims to illustrate European cultural diversity and all its dimensions.



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Place de l’Europe
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