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used Glossaries

The FAO’S Term Portal has been created to store, manage and update concepts, terms and definitions related to the various fields of FAO’s activity. The idea is to offer a single search window for all glossaries, in one or several languages, as a mechanism to enhance the exchange of information and facilitate communication.

The Expanded FAO Glossary on Right to Food (EN, FR, ES) contains 418 concepts and definitions, where appropriate, which have been selected from FAO and international documents and publications on Right to Food, as well as from the proceedings of meetings of experts discussing Right to Food and Food Security issues

This Multilingual Glossary provides easy-to-understand definitions for the main scientific terms used on by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) in the risk assessment domain.

The Foodspan Glossary by The Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future is part of their curriculum to provide high school students with a deep understanding of critical food system issues. 

The Cooking Terminology Glossary of  the Huntington Junior College is a source which gathers various concepts related to cookin, with a technical perspective. It defines the terms in English.

This Glossary was created by Danish Executive Chef and global culinary adviser Stephan Christoph Oppenhagen. It gather French and English technical culinary terms.

This French glossary was created by Cuisine à la française, a French association bringing together a team of professionals from different horizons of the world of culinary arts, tableware and communication.
Its objective is to promote the richness and diversity of France’s food and culinary heritage.

This French-Italian Glossary was created by student from ISIT school in Paris as part of their master’s thesis on loanwords and cultural transfers in French and Italian gastronomy.

TERMCAT glossaries in Catalan language on Food: 

Other Resources

TermCoord used to publish every Saturday the I·ATE term of the week, a post on food terminology presenting the similarities and differences of gastronomic culture between and in different countries. 


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